Mobile Development with Flutter for Beginners

Mobile Development with Flutter for Beginners

Join us and develop your very first mobile application from scratch with Google's Flutter!

Do not forget to get your ticket on:

Chris Gwilliams has worked with Startups, public bodies and international companies. He has a PhD in Computer Science and has taught different mobile development courses at University. He is currently a Research Software Engineer for the University of Zürich and a self-proclaimed gadget-geek.

A bit about Chris and Flutter:

"I am Chris Gwilliams, a Computer Scientist that has been involved with Android since before it was cool to buy collectible figures of the Android mascot.
Google provides a flexible, open operating system for those that want control over their hardware or to have the very latest features. I have used Java, Kotlin, JavaScript and, now, Dart to code mobile apps for phones, tablets and watches. In this `Mobile Development with Flutter` session, I will show you the latest way to make apps for both major platforms with a single project."

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