Meet the creators: Ella Stuart, Seraina Soldner and Tina Erb from SINGA Switzerland

Meet the creators: Ella Stuart, Seraina Soldner and Tina Erb from SINGA Switzerland

Disclaimer: SINGA means connection in Lingala - a language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Where connection is key, language often takes a backseat. Inspired by the SINGA spirit and motivation, we decided to hold our first interview with a team of three in German and English. 


We believe that the world’s greatest challenges will never be solved by one person or organization alone. We need to work together! We are introducing our new series #MeetTheCreators with a monthly interview with a member showing his/her impact and work for reaching the sustainable development goals


Meet our SDG this month: 

The Sustainable Development Goal Nr 10 wants to reduce inequality within and among countries.


Meet our creators this month: 

Members: Ella Stuart, Seraina Soldner and Tina Erb
Organisation: SINGA Switzerland
Stage: Founded and almost through the first cycle of their startup program
SDG: Nr 10 – Reduce Inequalities






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