Startup Stammtisch - "Managing services in the cloud" with Google

Startup Stammtisch - "Managing services in the cloud" with Google

We are looking for participants whose online services or IT infrastructure is crucial to business success. Google experts will answer questions on how to deal with deployment issues and change management, monitoring and alerting, capacity planning or maintaining a consistent level of service. 

Startup Stammtisch will take place on Wednesday, April 18th, 2018 between 6 PM - 9 PM at Google Hürlimann Campus, Zürich.

Submit this form by the end of Wednesday April 11th in order to apply for a session with a Google expert. As space is limited (max. 2 individuals per startup), Impact Hub Zürich and Google will make a selection in order to match startups to available mentors. We will notify selected participants by April 13th. If we can't invite you this time, please consider applying again for future events.

Apply now using this form!

For more information on Startup Stammtisch and to see previous topics, see here.