Startup Stammtisch - "Machine Learning" with Google

Startup Stammtisch - "Machine Learning" with Google

We are looking for participants with a variety of interesting challenges related to machine learning. Whether you are in the process of designing or evaluating a machine learning system for your problem space or whether you are looking to tune and improve the quality of your existing solution, this event could be for you.

Startup Stammtisch will take place on Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017 between 6 PM - 9 PM at Impact Hub Zürich, Colab, Sihlquai 131, 8005 Zürich.

Submit this form by the end of Tuesday March 14th in order to apply for a session with a Google expert. As space is limited (max. 2 individuals per startup), Impact Hub Zürich and Google will make a selection in order to match startups to available mentors. We will notify selected participants by March 17th. If we can't invite you this time, please consider applying again for future events.

Apply now using this form!


For more information on Startup Stammtisch and to see previous topics, see here.