Open Hub Day 2024

A genuine thank you to everyone who joined our Open Hub Day 2024. A special thanks goes to all contributors - both in front of and behind the scenes - for making our Open Hub Day such a success. Your presence and active participation made the event truly special.

We had a very packed day with lots of workshops, input sessions, networking, and startups with on-site booths - all revolving around our focus topics: Circulareconomy, Entrepreneurship, open Innovation, Diversity, and Sustainability!

It was great to welcome so many new and familiar faces at our Colab location. We would like to especially thank our workshop hosts, market stall hosts, and discussion round facilitators.

We are grateful for the ideas and inspiring connections that were shared. Your contributions and engagement are what make our community vibrant and impactful.

Let's carry the energy and momentum from last week’s event forward as we continue our journey towards creating positive change. Together, we can achieve great things and make a lasting impact.

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