Tour de Hub

Tour de Hub

Do you want to breathe in some entrepreneurial air and learn about the Impact Hub spaces and our vibrant community?

Then, this is your tour. Our community team gives an introduction to the Impact Hub world, where we come from, what we do and why we do what we do. We kick off the tour at our legendary Viadukt location where it all started and walk over to our buzzing Colab location in the heart of the city. During the tour you will hear about our mission and values, space philosophy and the value proposition to our members and the vibrant coworking community they form.

The tour is free and will take about 1h 15min and, of course, you are very much invited to stay with us for a drink at Auer & Co after the tour. The first drink goes on us.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

P.S. We meet at Arch D, Viaduktstrasse 93. Please be on time and bring good vibes.

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