Contribute to the largest survey of impact entrepreneurs worldwide

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The global survey 2023 will run from February 22 to March 24

We are excited to launch our 2023 Global Community Survey, which will measure and evaluate the experience, growth and impact of the worldwide Impact Hub community in 2022.


 Therefore, we kindly ask YOU to share with us your (anonymous) feedback and information about the impact that you created.

By taking this survey, you will help us to:

  • improve your experience at Impact Hub,
  • measure and highlight the collective impact of our network,
  • create the largest database on the social impact sector, which will allow us to influence policy and to better support (impact) entrepreneurs like you.


In 2023 our goal is 100 filled-in surveys in Zürich. Let’s get there together, here is how:

  • All our members, program & event participants, partners, and collaborators of Impact Hub Zürich can participate, if they joined us before January 1st, 2022.
  • The survey takes a maximum of 20 minutes
  •  You can interrupt the survey and continue it at a later time
  • Your answers are anonymized (leave your mail address if you want to participate in the raffle)


Of course, if you filled out the survey you can drop by at the host desk to receive a little goodie. 

And: Impact Hub Global will raffle €500 between the participants. 


Take the survey now! 

Take the survey now! 





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