Impact Programs Climate Action & Circular Economy

Climate Action & Circular Economy

With our Climate Action and Circular Economy programs, we are committed to solving pressing environmental problems and promoting sustainable economic growth.

With our climate action and circular economy initiatives, we aim to empower entrepreneurs, organisations and changemakers to develop and scale innovative solutions to help reduce carbon emissions, contribute to a circular economy and create a fairer and more resilient society and economy. Our programs provide a platform for collaboration, learning and networking and aim to accelerate systemic change towards a more sustainable future.

Impact Programm


Climathon Zurich is a global 24-hour ideathon in which innovative solutions for climate challenges are developed together with the city and companies.

Impact Programm

Circular Economy Incubator

The Circular Economy Incubator supports entrepreneurs and start-ups in the development of circular business models and solutions.

Impact Programm


The “Klimaforum” is a dialog and participation program of the City of Zurich on challenges and solutions in the area of climate protection. It focuses on connecting various stakeholders with the aim of strengthening and accelerating measures on the path to net zero 2040. The Impact Hub Zurich manages the external office and the implementation of the “Klimaforum”.

Impact Hub Zürich

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Proud partner of the following further initiatives

One Planet Lab

Das One Planet Lab fördert PionierInnen, die ressourcenleichte Lösungen für die Welt von morgen entwickeln.

Clima Now

Clima Now setzt sich mit Bildungsprogrammen, Kampagnen und innovativen Projekten für den Klimaschutz und eine nachhaltige Zukunft ein.

Clima Fresque

Die Climate Fresk ist eine Bildungsinitiative, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, das Bewusstsein für den Klimawandel zu stärken und Menschen zu ermächtigen, konkrete Schritte zur Bekämpfung des Klimawandels zu unternehmen.

Climate Aperos

Climate Community Aperos: Der Impact Hub Zürich organisiert regelmässig Climate Community Aperos, um Menschen zu vernetzen und in den Austausch zu bringen, die sich für den Klimaschutz engagieren und innovative Lösungen für die Herausforderungen des Klimawandels entwickeln.