Impact Programs Become a Partner Program Partnership

Program Partnership

Werde Programm Partner und/oder Programm Sponsor

We are home to a multitude of entrepreneurs with grand visions for a sustainable future. Through our programs like the Circular Economy Incubator, Climathon, the Female Founders Initiative, or BOLD Generation, we support these change-makers in successfully implementing their ideas and driving positive change. For this, we rely on the support and collaboration of like-minded partners like you.

Whether it's program sponsoring, network partnerships, mentoring, or more - there are many ways your organization can support our mission and contribute to achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (hereafter referred to as SDGs).

Join the impact movement and get in touch with us. We look forward to a mutual exchange to discuss how we can create (even more) positive impact together.

Become a Program Partner now

Initiate a program with us

Is your institution seeking an experienced partner to address crucial environmental and social challenges of our time, or wants to delve deeper into the world of social entrepreneurship? Collaborate with us on a program!

We work with a multitude of stakeholders and actively participate in networks and alliances promoting entrepreneurship, sustainable development, and the impact economy. We create and activate impact communities and ecosystems for effective collaboration by facilitating exchange and creating connections.

Hackathons, conferences, impact programs, round tables, training programs, or panel discussions - we have extensive experience with various formats and services to assist companies, organizations, and public institutions in achieving their sustainability goals or the goals of Agenda 2030 (SDGs).

With our expertise and networks in areas like climate protection, circular economy, diversity, equality, and inclusion, we offer direct access to the most forward-thinking startups and change-makers in the industry. We can provide expertise as workshop moderators, trend scouts, community creators, program managers, and more. Tell us about your challenge, and find out how we can support you.

Make a difference together