Wisdom Connections - How do we embody sane leadership in an insane world?

Wisdom Connections - How do we embody sane leadership in an insane world?

Many of us - activists, entrepreneurs, community builders - know in our hearts that we are here to serve a more humane, creative and kind world. In this time of increasing polarization and profound disruptions, we often find our work for the well-being of people and planet marginalized and challenged.

How can we continue to do our work without being overwhelmed with cynicism, fatigue, and disappointment?

How do we create islands of sanity with our leadership, creating protective and productive spaces that can withstand the destructive dynamics of the greater system?

The wisdom of elders in leadership and activism is critical to answer these questions. They carry a profound understanding of life, service, and the systems they have navigated, influenced and/or built over 40+ years of experience. It is time to connect with what they know and to preserve and apply that wisdom.


Together with author, teacher, and community expert Margaret Wheatley we will explore what might be possible, if we bring together women elders with decades of experience in service to the world through their organizations, policy work and activism and younger leaders learning what it takes to serve well at this time.

As part of her Warriors for the Human Spirit Training, Margaret activates women elders to step into their role as wisdom keepers. These women bring their “grandmother energy” to activism and leadership: deeply caring about future generations, nurturing respectful relationships and supporting the younger generation who do the work of making a difference.


Join us if you feel called by the mission of this project: you might be a young activist, community builder or social entrepreneur; you might be a woman elder ready to get involved; or you might view yourself as a supporter for the project. You are welcome and we look forward to having you!

The venue is generously sponsored by Impact Hub Zurich - THANK YOU!

Lunch included. We ask for a fee of CHF 50 to cover basic expenses. On site, there will be a chance to offer a voluntary donation for our speaker Margaret Wheatley.

The event takes place on Saturday, November 3, 9.00-16.00 @ Viadukt D, Impact Hub Zürich. Participation is limited. Registration via Eventbrite.