Web Zürich November

Web Zürich November

Join us for the November meetup. As usual, we will have three short talks as well as chit-chat and drinks:

(Check out the talk descriptions at http://webzueri.ch)

18:30 - 18:45
Arriving, drinks & chat

19:00 - 19:15
Xia Willuhn
iotArt - How I use JavaScript(ReactJs) and d3 to make art. The iotArt project's goal is that the final art objects are consist of composable components and will be driven from iot data. (Please talk to me to come up with a better description)

19:20 - 19:35

19:40: 19:45

We look forward to see you there!

Visit our website http://webzueri.ch for more information about the Web Zürich community.