Web Zürich May

Web Zürich May

Join us for the April meetup. As usual, we will have three short talks as well as chit-chat and drinks:

18:30 - 19:00
Arrival time with drinks and chat

19:00 - 19:20
Alvaro Videla
From selling food in the streets to working for top firms in tech

How can we get started in the tech world? Does anybody can do it? Once I'm working in tech, how can I move forward in my career? Is it too late to for me to have a shot in tech? In this talk, Alvaro will try to answer all these questions while sharing his life story, where he learn to program in the Uruguayan countryside, without an Internet connection, and eded up working in some of the biggest tech companies in the world.

19:20 - 19:40
Savas Vedova & Adam Juras
Marie Kondo of shipping: how serverless apps tidy up your life

With the rise of AWS a new breed of services appeared. Serverless.com, Zeit's Now, Netlify: they all deliver a great shipping experience. We've been tinkering with our own solution, one that deploys your Javascript app with a simple push. It comes with 1-click feature-branches, instant-rollbacks and Server-Side Rendering for React apps out of the box. In this talk, we'll lift the veil on the secrets of serverless and share our learnings while building Stormkit.io.

19:40: 20:00
William Candillon
Can it be done in React Native?

“Can it be done in React Native?” is a YouTube series that explores iconic user experiences from apps that people know and love: Instagram, Tinder, Snapchat and more. The aim of this talk is to give an overview of the lessons learned while making this series: what can and cannot be done in React Native?

20:15 onwards
More drinks & chat

We look forward to see you there!

Visit our website http://webzueri.ch for more information about the Web Zürich community.