Web development for beginners (workshop)

Web development for beginners (workshop)

Application form: https://goo.gl/forms/9iw3NHOY37MZngaL2
Number of spots: 10 

If you are new to the programming world and would like to learn a bit, this is the right place for you. All you need is a text editor and a web browser. At the workshop we will build a fully functional website from scratch and hopefully this will only be the beginning of your journey. You will learn what HTML is intended for, what's the difference between Java and JavaScript and what the heck do all those acronyms mean.

The course is taught by Ola Rosik-Rosińska.
Ola studied Computer Science at University of Wrocław in Poland, moved to Zurich last year. Passionate about programming, learning new things and board games.

Support: Oskari Vinko
Oskari is engineering DNA with robots at ETH and doing hobby web apps using Django, Python and AngularJS.

ggCarrots Switzerland is the Tribe of “Impact Hub Zürich" - the global community of entrepreneurial people prototyping the future of business.