Transculture | Skill Share Breakfast

Transculture | Skill Share Breakfast

Populism and identity politics are driving a huge stake between us all, although we are basically striving for the same goals. Transculture describes how we can work with what we share instead of what separates us. We learn how to analyze our value judgments and get to "we". New personal perspectives translate into new world perspectives.

In this Skill Share you will discover your sticking points in intercultural encounters, possible tools to evaluate and reflect on this topic and how to take countermeasures against them. Furthermore you'll be able to channel your communications efforts into fostering productive relationships.


Mark Damon Harvey has a B.A. in Economics, MBA in International Business, B.A. in Education. Currently he's finishing a book about transculture. He worked as a Counselor and Teacher in different Areas e.g IT, Integration, Dispute Resolution and Knowledge Management.