STRIDE Lab | Personal Branding

STRIDE Lab | Personal Branding

A STRIDE learning Lab on understanding and re-inventing (your) public identity

"Brand yourself for the career you want, not the job you have." – Dan Schawbel 

What do people say about you when you are not in the room? What do people find when they google your name? Whether we want to or not, all of us have a “personal brand”, i.e. a public identity which influences how others view us. Our choice is not between not having a personal brand or having one; the choice is between mindlessly accepting the personal brand we have, or shaping it into the public identity we want it to be.

In this STRIDE Lab we will dig deep into the topic of personal branding. We will look at the history of the phenomenon, understand its role in the current and future economy and work with concrete tools how to both improve your personal brand as well as enable you to help your contacts to do the same. We are convinced that if you do effective personal branding, opportunities will find you and it is not you having to find them.

Read more: on the STRIDE Website

Upon successful completion of a pre-assignment (1-3h), the workshop (12h) and a post-assignment (8-14h) demonstrating expected learning outcomes, you will obtain an unCertificate of Completion (equivalent of 1 ECTS).