STRIDE Lab | Making Change Work (second edition)

STRIDE Lab | Making Change Work (second edition)

A STRIDE Lab on applied practice theory for changemakers.


“It's a delusion we can change people's behaviours. Instead, people change their own behaviours.”

Les Robinson/The Guardian


Changemakers of all sorts - from coaches, organizational developers over social activists to policy makers and impact entrepreneurs - work with an implicit or explicit theory of change. Our assumptions play a key role in how we understand problems and challenges and how we construct ideas and solutions. This LAB offers a fresh perspective for re-thinking and doing change work by drawing on the socio-material approach of practice theory. Offering a new take on addressing “systemic challenges”, this LAB will allow you to rethink your own assumptions, apply basic ethnographic observational skills and develop a fresh and grounded perspective on where and how to enable change and impact. In the spirit of the STRIDE LAB philosophy, we will experiment with and take collective steps towards a new change and impact canvas.

Read more: on the STRIDE Website