STRIDE Lab | Design Beyond Thinking

STRIDE Lab | Design Beyond Thinking

A STRIDE Learning Lab on the hidden forces in collaborative innovation.


“Deafen yourself to the noise of the expressible!
Listen instead for the whisper of the taken-for-granted!”
— Gunnar Olsson

In this LAB, we make the hidden forces and mostly invisible actors in innovation part of our maker’s practice. Whether market-based digital services and tangible products or non-profit impact projects and experiences: In order to succeed, innovators need to look beyond the relationships with their direct users or customers but relate with a whole lot of other actors. What if good ideas need to be nurtured, attracted and rallied for rather than engineered? What if you, as a maker, are part of the process in crucial but unrecognized ways? How can you identify the nature of your attachment, and how can you then share your concern with other possible allies? And what if human users are not the only important stakeholders in the life of an idea?

To approach these and other questions, we go through a number of fundamental “world-making” practices.

Read more: on the STRIDE Website

Upon successful completion of a pre-assignment (1-3h), the workshop (12h) and a post-assignment (8-14h) demonstrating expected learning outcomes, you will obtain an unCertificate of Completion (equivalent of 1 ECTS).