STRIDE Lab | Community Building (third edition)

STRIDE Lab | Community Building (third edition)

A STRIDE Learning Lab on seeding, building and tending to the power of community.


“If you want to understand the difference between a network and a community, ask your Facebook friends to help paint your house.”

Harvard Business Review


Communities are all the buzz. And rightly so. We live in a society that is becoming more and more individualized, with employees who no longer have a sense of belonging and an increased notion that deeper collaboration is what is needed to create value. This raises a big question: what collective formation allows creating the fertile ground for collaboration and a sense of belonging? We believe communities do. In this STRIDE Lab you will learn how to seed, build and cultivate yours.

Read more: on the STRIDE Website

Upon successful completion of a pre-assignment (1-3h), the workshop (12h) and a post-assignment (8-14h) demonstrating expected learning outcomes, you will obtain an unCertificate of Completion (equivalent of 1 ECTS).