STRIDE Lab | Brand Storytelling (second edition)

STRIDE Lab | Brand Storytelling (second edition)

A STRIDE Learning Lab on unleashing storytelling to build a brand that works.

”Marketing is no longer about the product you build, but the story you tell”

- Seth Godin

Storytelling is often praised as the ultimate marketing tool. Whether it is to advertise a product, motivate your employees or rally people behind a common cause. But what is a “brand story” exactly, how do you develop a great one and to implement it? In this STRIDE Lab we will develop a deep understanding of the role of branding for your business and yourself, and concretely craft your personal brand story case using the Brand Story Canvas, developed by Creative Supply .

Read more: on the STRIDE Website

Upon successful completion of a pre-assignment (1-3h), the workshop (12h) and a post-assignment (8-14h) demonstrating expected learning outcomes, you will obtain an unCertificate of Completion (equivalent of 1 ECTS).