Social Presencing Theater | U.Lab Workshop

Social Presencing Theater | U.Lab Workshop

Social Presencing Theater Workshop

In this workshop, we introduce you to a powerful method from Theory U. The Social Presencing Theater. It allows you to learn more about yourself, your current leadership challenge, and the systems in which you work.

The invitation is to sense more deeply into the current reality, rather than trying to “fix” the situation from the same mind-set or frame of reference that created the current situation. Instead, we feel deeply into the situation, suspending our problem-solving habit. By paying attention to our “body-knowing” and to the social field, we discover new directions or fresh insights that were not accessible just by thinking.

The only thing you have to bring with you is your curiosity. There is no other experience required.

Language: English or German.


Melanie Kaech, Facilitating Change (

I’m very much fascinated and interested in processes for transforming Self, Business and Society. I facilitate change for individuals, groups and organisations to increase awareness, to let the future emerge and to explores this creative potential.




Regina Schlager (

„Who am I?“, „What is my Work?“ –  My passion lies in helping people, groups and organisations to create their unique path. For this, I enable learning spaces where the future is able to emerge from the power and clarity of the present moment.



*picture source:

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