Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It…and Why the Rest Don’t

Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It…and Why the Rest Don’t

Scaling Up Workshop with Heiko Trautwein from Subway Schweiz

This workshop will give you an overview of the Scaling Up - Method and delivers hands-on tools for growing your business. Scaling Up (™) was developed by bestseller-author and founder of the entrepreneurs' organisation Verne Harnish. The goal of this method is to help you turn what feels like an anchor into the wind at your back — creating a company where the team is engaged; the customers are doing your marketing, and everyone is making money. To accomplish this, Scaling Up focuses on the four major decision areas every company must get right: People, Strategy, Execution, and Cash. It includes a series of new one-page tools including the updated One-Page Strategic Plan and the Rockefeller Habits Checklist™, which more than 40,000 firms around the globe have used to scale their companies successfully — many to $1 billion and beyond. More Information:

Your Scaling Up Coach: Heiko Trautwein is a member of the Entrepreneurs Organization since 2015 and launched the EO Accelerator Program in Zurich. He is coaching as chair of the program currently 20 Start-Ups on their way to grow. In the past 20 years, he founded several companies and brought 2007 the worlds largest Fast Food brand (Subway) to Switzerland.

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