Psychology behind addictive Apps | Skill Share Breakfast

Psychology behind addictive Apps | Skill Share Breakfast

A study was released recently that shows one third of Americans would rather give up sex than their smartphones. In this skill share breakfast, Philippe (co-founder and strategist at The Code Venture,) Will explain how our brains have evolved to become interdependent with our devices. He will discuss the nitty gritty of what's actually happening inside our heads everytime we swipe, like, share or upload, and how other startups and entertpreneurs can use these techniques and dark arts to create their own addictive apps and digital products. (Based on the work of Eyal and sociologists). 

Understanding the human psychology and motivations can give you insights on new ways to keep users coming back to your product!

Our Speaker Phillippe is Co Founder of the Code Venture Company. Blogger, Speaker "lets build pragmatic profitable things". Philippe works with early-stage startups to design their prototypes, develop their products, and get their ventures off the ground.