Pimp your Story and Make it Stick | Skill Share Breakfast

Pimp your Story and Make it Stick | Skill Share Breakfast


On June 24th, 50 newspapers around the world cover positive stories and ideas, that inspire. The Impact Journalism Day is an ideal platform for Start-ups and young entrepreneurs who want to make a difference - and get the attention of the media. But what kind of ideas do journalists like? And how can you sell your idea in the most successfull way?

In this workshop you will get familiar with simple narratives that allow you to organize information in a compelling way and practice to pitch your story.  Helpful feedback from a journalist and a content producer will enable you to understand the media's point of view and adjust your message to the target audience.

Sonja Bichsel

is a a storytelling and communications professional. I support entrepreneurs in the field of innovation, arts and education to put their thoughts into words and express what they contribute to clients, organizations and society with clarity and focus. One conversation at a time we prioritize what is most important to them and create content that can be expressed in writing or shared verbally. The stories my clients tell stick, create traction and can be heard where they need to be heard for their organization to gain visibility and thrive.

Lynn Scheurer

Lynn Scheurer works as a journalist and editor for the Zurich-based newspaper "Tages-Anzeiger". She writes stories about men called Werner who meet once a year to celebrate their name or a guy who listens to the same jazz album over and over again to test the record-player pick-ups he fabricates. As an editor, she is responsible for everything that helps to draw the interest of the readers, including titles. She loves wordplay and hates metaphors if used incorrectly.



