Patagonia Breakfast -Regenerative Living 3

Patagonia Breakfast -Regenerative Living 3

This event dives deep into how investments can fuel a regenerative economy. 🌍💡 and how you can help regeneration from your sofa or from your office.

We’ll explore a few strategies and thinking processes for individuals, investment agents, pension funds, and financial institutions—developed through conscious leadership - on how to boost innovation and regeneration. This isn’t just about sustainable investments; it's about reshaping how we think about them, using money and advocacy to build a regenerative economy.

Featuring: hear real-world insights and stories from leaders at radicant bank, Danone, Innovate 4 Nature, and B Lab Switzerland — alongside changemakers from Patagonia, Impact Hub Zürich and AdvantiKA GmbH - Responsible Results.

Why should you join?

If you're passionate about driving systemic change, whether in your company or from the comfort of your home, this is for you. We’ll tackle the challenges and opportunities of this approach and introduce Sofa Advocacy—proving that you can be a changemaker from anywhere.