One Day Boostcamp

One Day Boostcamp

This one day boostcamp will take your productivity to a new level. During one day  you will be getting your very own tasks done, while:

  • practicing the rare and precious skill of being in FLOW (deep, effortless FOCUS).

    Flow is the brain’s peak experience where productivity, creativity and clarity emerge as naturally as water flows down from the mountain.  In Flow, we tend to be up to 3 to 5 times more productive than our personal average. However Flow states seldom happen in everyday work-life. And when they do, they rarely have the same intensity as when we give them the right conditions to emerge like we do during a Flow-Productivity day.

  • learning and using the most effective techniques for stress-free, high-productivity, based on neuroscience.

Expect to make faster progress than usual and eliminate any procrastination. You'll learn and develop new skills to become your most effective self, without stress.

So bring your laptop, your own work and your smile 🙂

Bring anything you can work on without disturbing others. Professional or personal work, strategy, website & software dev, writing a book or blog, research of any kind, sorting out finances, self-development, etc…

Sign up here:

Antoine L. , PhD

Dr. Antoine Larchez has been working in Startups / Venture capital, as a consultant in the engineering industry as well as in research/Academia, across Australia and Europe.
He has helped hundreds be naturally more focused and have more fun with work using neuroscience, while actually getting work done.