Mornings for the Future - LAND-BASED TOURISM & OUTDOOR LIFE

Mornings for the Future - LAND-BASED TOURISM & OUTDOOR LIFE

Thematic mornings on Fridays focused on Climate Fresks.

Attend a Climate Fresk Workshop plus a debrief session on a specific topic facilitated by Karime from AdvantiKA at the Patagonia Arch in Zürich. Then, join us for coffee and networking during the event. Below are the topics and dates of the year; register for the one you prefer.

What does choosing a topic mean? The Climate Fresk workshop is like any other, so we cover the climate change "collage" experience. After that, we embark on a deeper discussion of solutions for the topic at hand with the advisory of AdvantiKA. We also engage in conversation regarding the specific topic and learn about Patagonia's learnings and experience with it.


Healthy Waters - March
JEDI & Climate Change - 9. May
Recycled and Fair Trade materials in clothing manufacturing - 12. September
Land-based tourism and outdoor life - 7. November