Building a startup with open source software and as little code as possible

Building a startup with open source software and as little code as possible

Got a cool startup idea but have no idea how to code? Don't want to spend all your hard earned cash on Amazon AWS? Need hipster landing pages but you can barely use MS Paint?

Well, maybe Chris can help. He's been teaching Computer Science and working in the industry for longer than Google has been guessing your gender and age.

Most of his work is research consulting and he has a bunch of tools (for mobile and web) that can help you:

* Save money
* Reduce boilerplate code
* Utilise open source software
* Save server costs
* Manage your startup and reach out

Come to the talk and you'll build a (BASIC) startup from scratch LIVE, based on your feedback and input. You'll be writing some code BUT this will be a light overview on each of these, with links to resources to go further if you want to.

For the technical details, you'll be using:

* Hasura and GraphQL (backend)
* VueJS (web)
* Flutter (mobile)
* Hugo (landing page)
* LetsEncrypt (SSL)

Chris Gwilliams is a Scientist with a disturbing love for automation, data collection and wearables. We're excited to welcome you and him back to another Pantalk at the Loft Corner at Impact Hub Zürich!