ARBEIT 4.5 - A performative audio-walk through Zurich's districts 4 and 5

ARBEIT 4.5 - A performative audio-walk through Zurich's districts 4 and 5

The creativity of self-employment? Calculation and passion. Welcome to the working life!

BEAM presents ARBEIT 4.5, an eventful and immersive audio-walk on the future of (self-employed) work.

What hopes and fears do we associate with the idea of entrepreneurial independence? Is it the salvation in our desire for more freedom, meaning and a way for more authentic self-realization? Or is it only an euphemism for self-exploitation?

The stage for the audio-walk is Zurich’s districts 4 and 5. They testify to the changing conditions and forms of (independent) work over the past two decades.
In what is known as the loomy “Kreis Cheib", one encounters different protagonists: a creative smoothie bar owner, an innovative childcare founder, a digital “clickworker”, a renowned work psychologist, a futurologist, a self-marketing expert, a famous sociologist and Mr. Langstrasse. These figures all become part of a humorous and surprising, documentary-fictional piece of audio art to companion you on the spot, offering rare ear- and soul-food.


ARBEIT 4.5 Website / Tickets:

Audio-Walk Schedules:
20.05 13.45-15.45
20.05 18.30-20.30
21.05 15.00-17.00
15.06 18.30-20.30
17.06 13.45-15.45
18.06 15.00-17.00

The walk’s start and end point is at Impact Hub Zurich Colab (Sihlquai 131-133, 8005 Zurich). Doors will open 30 min before the start.

Production team:
Director / Concept / Research: Diana Rojas-Feile
Concept / Scientific research / Dramaturgy: Dr. Björn Müller
Texts: Martina "Momo" Kunz
Musik/Editing: Michael Sauter
Speaker/Performer: Fabienne Hadorn, Lukas Kubik, Jacob Jensen
Producer: Laura Olgiati, Suvi Peltoniemi
Production manager: Stephanie Feeney
Photography: Johanna Muther, Claudia Breitschmid
Graphic design: Miriam Hempel
Interview partners:
Rolf Vieli (Mister Langstrasse)
Tiffany Kappeler (Sasou Saft Bar)
Prof. Dr. Jens O. Meissner (Hochschule Luzern, Wirtschaft)
Aneescha Rayani (Playground Education)
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bröckling (Universität Freiburg)
Anna Schindler (Stadt Zürich Stadtentwicklung)
Sanja Belul (Atelier Tanz)
Georges T. Rooss (Zukunftsforscher)
Jessica Bugmann (Bridal Hair&Make Up)
Donovan Gregory & Regina Schibli (Designers Club)
Prof. Dr. Theo Wehner (ETH Zürich)
Bruno Deckert (Sphères-Chef)
Prof. Dr. Gudela Grote (ETH Zurich)

A big thanks to: SNF AGORA, Migros-Kulturprozent, Syndicom, Stiftung Für Radio und Kultur Schweiz for the support of this project.