Reesha Sharma

Summerpreneur at STRIDE

Observing human societies and their cultural transformation comes very naturally to Reesha who is currently also pursuing her PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Bern. She is passionate about documenting societies that live on the margins of the globalised world which has led her to some of the most virgin geographical territories whether it is traveling to Kabul, Afghanistan to study the ‘dancing boys’ or to the forests of Jharkhand in India to explore the migration flows of tribes and their changing cultural practises. Having previously worked for NGOs in India, Reesha is now doing her summerpreneurship at Stride embarking on her journey of learning by doing. You can also find her work on Civil Society Organizations in The Universal – an Annual Human Rights Journal published by Danish Think Rights. Besides pursuing her passion for studying different cultures, Reesha enjoys spending time in nature, reading books and watching Bollywood movies!