Our Team
Together we shape the future. We are a dedicated team of doers committed to positive change. Our community collaborates across organizations, cultures, and generations to create a sustainable and livable future. Explore our open positions here!
Aya Said
#Shared Service #People
People Administrator -
Lorena Perrin#Geschäftsleitung #Partnerships #Strategy #Circulareconomy #gettingthingsdone...Co-Geschäftsführerin
Erik Trolese#Shared Service #DäChnobli #AdminAlchemist, #DoorIsAlwaysOpen #dankihmgkriegenwirlohn...People Administrator
George Varga
#Shared Service #SpaceWizard #RetterInNot
Infrastructure Lead -
Lisbeth Hossain
#Shared Service, #FinanceTeam, #Admin #MissHuble
Finanzadministratorin -
Lara Mogge
#circularbusinessmodeling #impact #collaboration
#bethechange #climateactionProgrammleiterin Climate & Circular Economy -
Eliane Albrecht
#P&P #ClimateAction #Fundraising #calmmind
Co-Bereichsleitung Programme & Partnerschaften -
Merle Zur#P&P #StrategicPartnerships #Sales #Programs #Innovation #moderator #StartupSupport...Co-Bereichsleitung Programme & Partnerschaften
Marcela Durand
#P&P #femalefounder #diversity #projectmanager
Programmleiterin Diversity & Entrepreneurship -
Eva Aschwanden
#P&P #ClimateAction #StartupCampus #FemaleFounders #ClimathonZurich
Projekt- & Eventmanagerin -
Moritz Meyer
#P&P #Klimaforum #CircularEconomy #StrategicMind #ClimateActivist
Programmleiter Klimaforum -
Christoph Birkholz
#Limmathaus #NeuesBauen #VRP #Finance #Impact #CoFounder
Projektleiter Limmathaus, Präsident des Verwaltungsrats -
Julian Franke
#ProjektLimmathaus #Architektur
Architekt Projekt Limmathaus -
Laura Olgiati
#Geschäftsleitung #Financehero #overallgenius
Co-Geschäftsführerin -
Georgios Kontoleon
#Geschäftsleitung, #VR, #BOSSBeatz, #MusicAndManagement #Limmathaus #Techie #ProudGreek
Co-Geschäftsführer, Verwaltungsrat, Projektleiter Limmathaus -
Eleonora Denti
#CorporateEvents #Bookingwizard
Booking- und Eventkoordinatorin -
Johanna Windisch#Community #Co-Working #Outdoor #Capt’nCurios #sports’know’it’all...Community Builderin
Corsin Luzi
#Gastro #Auer&Co #Barista #Teamlead #specialitycoffee #EsKannNurBesserWerden
Team Lead Auer & Co -
Evmorfia Fragkolia
#Gastro #Auer&Co #MakingPeopleSmile #PhotoQueen
Barista Auer & Co, Support (Content Creation) -
Dario Stoop
#Gastro #Auer&Co #CoffeeArchitects #Barista #specialitycoffee
Barista -
Simone Uster#Community #Co-Working #communitymama #KungFuMasterin #TravelChampion #chatgptismyfriend...Community Building Lead
Bettina Marie Mitter
#Marketing #Sales #CorporateEvents #leadership #matchalove #organisationswizard
Bereichsleitung Marketing, Communications und Sales -
Adina Sandmeier
#corporateevents #from0to100 #leadership #alwayssmiling
Events Teamlead -
Alexander Eichner
#KulturelleEvents #raves #kraftwerk #aperoelectronique
Projektleiter Cultural & Ecosystem Events -
Nadja Brevern
#marketing #socialmedia #creativemind #energylevel100
Communication & Social Media Specialist -
Celeste FischerBooking- und Eventkoordinatorin
Elisabeth Tracz
#corporateevents #theartofhosting #welcomewithasmile
Host und Eventkoordinatorin -
Jasmin Baumgartner
#Community #Co-Working #Hosting #appmasters
Empfangs- & Administrationsmitarbeiterin -
Martin Oberhauser
#KulturelleEvents #CorporateEvents #Eventleitung #Gastgeber
Eventleitung / Host -
Matej Bajnoci
#Shared Service #IT #Eventtechie #MatB #theotherkindofnetworking
IT / Multimedia Support & Event Tech Operator -
Sephora Huber
Administration Kulturelle Events -
Magdalena Auer
#Community #Co-Working #ClimateAction #Treelover #Hosting #Yoga #PrepTalker #impactmonday
Community Building & Hosting -
Matin Etemadi#Gastro #Kraftwerk #Gastgeber #AdminFürGenuss #Hospitalityatheart #coolmind...Lead Gastronomie & F&B Operations
Chiara Ferri
#Gastro #Kraftwerk #Kraftwerkherz #makingthingspossible
Chef de Service -
Deborah Böhm
#Gastro #Kraftwerk #Coffeequeen
Chef de Service -
Aleksandra Nedeljkovic
#Gastro #Kraftwerk
Servicemitarbeiterin -
Allan Weber
#Gastro #Kraftwerk #ServicewithaSmile #makingeveryonefeelspecial #apache
Servicemitarbeiter -
Robert Kepu
#Gastro #Kraftwerk #Barkeeper
Servicemitarbeiter -
Massimo Monteleone
#Gastro #Kraftwerk #food #sustainablefood #beautyonaplate
Küchenchef Kraftwerk -
Alexander Hager
#Gastro #Kraftwerk #passionaufdemteller
Sous Chef -
Gian Luca GravagnoChef de Partie
Aklilu Mebrathom
#Gastro #Kraftwerk #ImmerSuberiTäller
Küchenhilfe -
Sarah Müller
#Gastro #Auer&Co #bestcakesever #patisserie #schubisbestfriend
Küche & Patisserie -
Schubert Miau
#Miau #sofafreund #chiefhappinessofficer #streichelnbitte
Chief Happiness Officer -
Niels RotCo-Founder
Michel BachmannCo-Founder
Hagen KrohnCo-Founder
Beat SeelingerCo-Founder
Nicola BlumCo-Founder
Leo CaprezCo-Founder
Joachim SchossAdvisory Board Member
Thomas VellacottAdvisory Board Member
Renat HeubergerAdvisory Board Member
Christina UlardicAdvisory Board Member
Klara SekaninaAdvisory Board Member
Simona ScarpaleggiaAdvisory Board Member
Urs LeuthardAdvisory Board Member