BEAM is a dream tank, re-claiming fantasy and utopian thinking as useful and needed in our political engagement with the future. We devise, design and facilitate imaginative and participatory events, workshops, processes and in(ter)ventions that inspire its participants to publicly engage with matters of concern.
Thematically, we centrally focus on the future of work, organization, civil society and business. For this we forge transdisciplinary collaborations with strong partners from the arts, academia, the start-up and business world as well as from third sector organizations.
We are playful, yet prickly, asking pointed questions about the issues that matter most to our target communities. We make space for self-reflection and affirmative critique. Looking both behind, inside and ahead of things, we are collaborative, transdisciplinary, creative and performative. We are re-imagining agency, asking “what makes us act?” And we are an agency for re-imagining key ideas within the future of work, organization, civil society and business.