Community of Practice: Democracy Matters

Community of Practice: Democracy Matters

Join Our Monthly Discussions: Democracy Matters!

We’re excited to announce Democracy Matters, a monthly gathering dedicated to discussing democratic principles, global democratic developments, and supporting each other in upholding democratic values during challenging situations.

Our Mission:

At Democracy Matters, our mission is to defend and discuss democratic principles, bridging divides to foster a community built on inclusivity, respect, and mutual support. By participating in our monthly meetings, you will become part of a vibrant community dedicated to promoting understanding, empathy, and positive change.

Why Join Us?

  • Engage in meaningful discussions on democratic principles and current events.
  • Learn from exchanging with others
  • Connect with a supportive community that values empathy, open-mindedness, and mutual aid.

How to Participate:

To join our discussions, it is essential that all participants read and agree to our Manifesto. By understanding and committing to these principles, we ensure that our meetings are productive, respectful, and aligned with our mission.

Sign-Up: Participation is by sign-up only. Please register in advance.