Three most common difficulties startups encounter - and how to solve them

We all know friends whose heads are full of ideas, who have so many things they dream of doing and wish to accomplish. Many of these friends never try to turn their calling into a career because they are blocked by fear—fear of failure, of being judged. It is true that starting your own business can feel like a roller coaster with many ups and downs, but it should not be what prevents you from following your dreams. Some challenges startups face are unpredictable, but there are at least some foreseeable obstacles to prepare for:


  1. Running out of time
    Things will take more time than you expect. To make sure things get done on time it is important to set deadlines for different tasks, releases and events. Planning is essential for any business to succeed, so take your time and write down the milestones you wish to reach.
  2. Discouraging and negative feedback
    There is a well known saying “Haters gonna hate” and this definitely applies when when you are trying to build your dream company. You will receive negative feedback, but it is important to deal with it in an appropriate way. Think critically – is the feedback constructive?  You can learn a lot from the this kind of feedback, but it’s important not to take it personally.
  3. Financing your service or product
    Money is always an issue – doesn’t matter how much of it you have. Luckily, nowadays the internet and social media are great tools to secure contacts and find advice on how to fundraise and get investors. Believe in your team, in your product or service and the most importantly – believe in yourself!


Find more hints from experts, hands-on advice and startup stories in the Swiss Entrepreneurs Magazine! This new startup magazine, created by young people in the region of Zurich, aims to strengthen connections between entrepreneurs in Switzerland. Because innovation does not happen in isolation. #radicallycollaborative

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