Meet the Impact Hub Fellow Energy-Cleantech 2016

20+ applications have been submitted for the Impact Hub Fellowship Energy-Cleantech. After the 4 months of the cohort phase Smart Home Technology has won the race and the title of Impact Hub Fellow Energy-Cleantech 2016. has Let's listen to how they experienced the past months:

"It has been a great experience to be named finalist of the impact hub fellowship and we are already seeing the benefits. In the week following the final completion we were able to present at the Swiss Energy and Climate summit in Bern where we could show a proto-type home appliance to company representatives, investors and CleanTech experts. You may also have seen us at the Kick-Start Accelerator in Zurich, part of the Digital Zurich 2025 and Digital Switzerland initiatives where we have been engaging with potential customers and sharing our know-how."

"On the product development side we have been working on further hardware and software prototypes we hope to have in production next year. This involves PCB design followed by firmware programing, testing and re-working. We make this cycle several times before engaging our manufacturing partner based in China for the final version to be manufactured on scale."

"The team look forward to having a chance to meet you and other hubonauts at some of the up-coming Impact Hub events, especially to share perspective on the Internet of Things!"

Thomas Eaton

Smart Home Technology GmbH

Company Profile:

As an ETH Spin-off, Smart Home Technology implements the most advanced scientific developments to provide ultra low power connected devices with built-in security solutions.

At Smart Home Technology we are in the business of the Internet of Things. We create smart and energy efficient appliances for homes and industry. We build the future of IoT with ultra-low power and securely connected devices using Zero Standby Power and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). With our business solution Smart@Home® we offer sensor-based, real-time data collection and analytics.

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