Impactinterview: ENSEA

Over 20 applications have been submitted for the Impact Hub Fellowship Energy-Cleantech and five teams are left in the competition. The winner will be selected live during the GRANDE FINALE on February 5 at Impact Hub Zürich. Time to introduce some of the faces behind the projects. Starring this week: Christian Dollfus, Co-founder of ENSEA.

What is your project about and when did you start it?

We discussed since 2009 about a new exchange Platform in the energy market, mainly with Green Certificates. We saw that this market has not the sufficient potential and started in 2013 with our new idea to extend the idea to a IT Platform for decentralised energy or physical power rather than only certificates

What does it take to become a successful entrepreneur? 

There has to be an open minded thinking, the ability to follow unconventional paths. Most important is the ability to execute because most ideas are dying in a very early phase when first concrete steps have to follow.

Which advise would you give to someone who wants to start a start-up? 

Discuss the idea with critical people. Is the idea relly good ? Does it match a customer need i.e. is there really a market? Failure can be a chance for something new. In Silicon Valley a failure is called a "step back". In Switzerland we call them "loosers". If the idea is not able to perform the first time then an entrepreneur will start again in an optimized way.

In what kind of situations did you think about giving up?

I already gave up two other startup ideas. One was the exchange platform for certificates mentioned before. I gave up that idea because of the tiny market share. Nevertheless our current idea has much more potential and the former idea is incorporated in our current market model.

Why did you apply for the Impact Hub Fellowship Energy-Cleantech?

There is a big potential for motivation and implement milestones. The other advantage is the network and the brand to be a finalist in a fellowship program

Why should the jury pick your project as the winner on February 5?

Our project allows a complete new market model in the energy industry with a very high potential. It allows direct exchange of physical energy as well as energy with certificates. We are able to create a new form of "Stromkennzeichnung". The business model has an impact in the load of grids and give decentral producers a real chance to benefit from the market. In addition the process is done by a machine and does not rely constantly on human interaction. Finally our System supports the decrease of subventions in the ecological energy market and make them obsolete.

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