Success Rituals | Skill Share Breakfast

Success Rituals | Skill Share Breakfast

Every day we execute numerous actions without thinking about it, like brushing our teeth, taking a shower, getting dressed for work, and following the same routes every day. These habits are rituals and behaviors that we perform automatically. They are stored in our subconscious mind. Numerous cognitive neuroscientists have conducted studies that have revealed that 95% of our cognitive activities are generated in a non-conscious manner whereas only the remaining 5% are conscious. These numbers show clearly how much of our days we spend on “auto-pilot”.

Unfortunately many of these “hidden” habits drain our energy, minimize our ability to focus and to concentrate, and adding stress to our daily life without us even realizing it.

Here some examples:

−  hitting the snooze-button extensively

−  checking emails and social media sites first thing in the morning

−  skipping breakfast

−  checking emails continuously

−  multi-tasking

With little changes you will be able to overwrite these habits with new habits, which actually help you to feel more energized, less stressed and to be more productive.

My presentation will cover the following topics:

  • How to identify bad habits (awareness, mindfulness)
  • What new habits to choose – create your tailor-made “rituals”
  • How to implement new habits (neuroplasticity)
  • Optional: a short relaxation exercise or meditation


Attendees will receive a Fact Sheet and a Fun Sheet, helping/motivating them to introduce at least one new habit the very next day.

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Katharina is a certified Consultant for Stress- & Self-Management and Instructor for relaxation techniques. With more than a decade of experience in the corporate world, she knows first-hand about the physical toll that stress and a demanding career can have on the body. Now she helps clients to manage their stress, improve their health and wellbeing as well as optimize their performance by identifying and activating their individual resources and anchoring relaxation in everyday life.