Janine Fuchs


I’ve always been an very eye-minded person. Visual Communication has led me all the way in my life until to the point when I took all my courage and co-founded the company GRAFIK2 together with Stephan Kauflin. GRAFIK2 takes on commission work, I enjoy including research into the projects and learn from and with my team and other influences. I’m a teamworker, I’ve never been interested in fighting alone but often gain more pleasure and fulfillment through combined strength and expertise.

In 2013 GRAFIK2 initiated the coworking and eventspace Colab Zurich along with Panter AG. Ongoing and finding a platform for my passion in Visual Communications I experienced how satisfying it is to create a fosterting and exciting setting for a daily working life!

And now with Impact Hub Zurich I see myself taking the next great step. Still very eye-minded I’m eager to build up the Creative Community and establish a Visual Culture at Impact Hub Zurich supporting collaboration and new ways of creating Visual Communication in a changing world.