How To Hub: How to find your tribe

How To Hub: How to find your tribe

When a community gets larger, there are potentially more collaboration opportunities. However, it also gets harder to find the right people you want to talk to. What is our answer? Join an Impact Hub Tribe!


Collaboration is at the heart of what we do

One of our core principles that we are committed to at Impact Hub Zürich is that we live open innovation. We see the world as an interdependent ecosystem with fluid boundaries. When we share and co-create value, everyone wins. Collaboration is everything.

Of course, that is not news. Our members collaborate on a daily basis with each other. We collaborate with our partners and start-ups in our space and online. But a big part of this is also collaborating with other communities out there, so that together we can create a bigger impact.

We believe that a key component of a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem are self-organizing topical communities. This is where initiatives are born, cutting-edge knowledge is shared and new connections are established. Impact Hub Zürich needs these communities as part of our larger community to create platforms for collaboration and foster innovation. At the same time, these communities often need support to thrive. We can give this support.


Tribes are self-organized topical communities who see Impact Hub Zürich as their home.

We offer these communities “es dihei” and they bring us the buzz we seek. They can host a number of events a year for free at one of our locations and in turn they open their events for our members and keep them non-profit. We help spread the word through our website, newsletter and in space communication; they create an environment for collaboration about a topic they are the pros in.


Tribes are diverse in sizes, topic and meeting schedule. Join them!

Whether you are an established meet-up group with 500 group members or just starting out building a community around a topic you are passionate about: You can have a home-base at the Impact Hub! Or maybe you can find what you are looking for in one of the existing Impact Hub Tribes: The Mindfulness Tribe, the Qreativ Lab, Swiss Startups Club and a couple of our Members are working on a “Makers Space” (stay tuned!).

If you are interested in joining them check out their events on our website and join in. You can, of course, also start your won tribe - contact Katherina for more information. Collaboration is what makes us grow. You are invited!

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Unser Newsletter erscheint alle 3-4 Wochen und stellt sicher, dass ihr nichts aus der Community verpasst.